Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Visual Abstract: Idea Mapping

Things I Can't Live Without

A few different objects that i believe I couldn't live without are my Sketch Pad and Pencil. I have always been into drawing and painting since I was tiny. I enjoy it and it is something that will obviously continue for a long time in the future.

Perspective of the Greek Orthodox Church drawn Freshman Year

One thing I couldn't live without is baseball. I have played baseball my entire life. I am not playing at the moment but once I have some free time I am definitely joining a league. Hopeful soon!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Things I Can't Live Without

If anyone out there even knows me they already know what my first post is going to be. The first possible thing that I couldn't ever live without is my daughter Emma. She was born during one of the hardest and most stressful parts of my life so far. I love her to death and always will.

Visual Abstract: Image Selection

The images shown below are ones that I felt explain different ideas related to theatrical interaction and emotional expression.

This image describes interaction between performance and audience.


This Image represents cultural interaction. Theatre can portray different cultural ideas through the use of color, clothing, setting, music, dance, etc.

This image represents Physical Interaction between performer and performer through dance. This interaction can create different types of emotion through different aspects such as form, grace, etc.

This image represents the Physical Interaction between Performer and Performer through speech. Speech can create different types of emotion through such things like tone and word usage. 

This image represents the physical interaction between performer and performer in which form
can create emotional interaction between performer and audience.

This image represents the physical interaction through song. Song is another form interaction 
that can create an emotional response.

This image represents the physical interaction between performer and audience. Shear Madness is a performance that creates a personal interaction by engaging the audience in critical thinking moments to help solve a mystery murder.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thesis Topics and Collages

As a Masters student I have to develop an Architectural Thesis that I can be able to incorporate into my future projects as a designer. My first assignments to start developing my thesis came with my two Thesis Prep classes. For Thesis Prep I the assignment was to be able to develop three Thesis Topics that do not relate to an architectural program but are something we wish to develop into architectural idea. Those three topics are Theatre, Art and Education.

I now after 3 week believe that I have been able to narrow down my topics to one, theatre. My thoughts for theatre are to be able to take the experience of theatre and develop that experience into an architectural idea. 

Different types of interactions work together to create an experience which we call theatre. Some of these interactions which I have been focusing on are Sensory Interactions and Cultural Interactions. Sensory Interactions focus on the sensory perception (i.e. five senses) of a person visiting a theatrical performance. One of these interactions is what I call Physical Interactions. These Physical interactions focus mainly on the different interactions between the Performer and the Performer. Within a performance that contains dance and music (i.e. ballet) performers train hard to create a perfect form for every movement they make. This form includes the sense of touch in which the connection between performers can create emotional situations that can then be transferred through Visual Interaction between Audience and Performer. In performances that are mainly verbal (i.e. Shear Madness) dialogue is used between performer and performer to create an emotional effect dependent on the tone and words in coordination with events revolving around the dialogue. This creates different interactions that include hearing and seeing that generate the information to create an emotional response by the viewer.

Cultural Interactions are interactions that display and express different cultural ideas within a performance to convey an idea about a specific culture or a variety of cultures as a whole (i.e. society). This is used in almost all performances even if it isn't completely clear on the surface.

In Thesis Prep II we have created collages from different words and phrases to display what they mean to us. One in which I focused on was "the passing of time." In creating this collage I thought of many different things. One of which is I wanted to translate it into an architectural idea. With that said I wanted to express how people use a space over time. To do this I created a collage that shows figures using a space throughout all of their daily activities.

Passing Of Time

Scale and Proportion

Passing of Time

Infinite Space

Infinite Space


Whats interesting about both of these two ideas, the theatrical experience and passing of time, is that they can both be related. Architecture can be seen as a performance by using the same interactions used in a theatrical performance while experiencing architecture over a period of time.