Thursday, November 4, 2010

Site Documentation

Site Location: Boston, MA
Description: The chosen site location sits on the edge of the theatre district at the corner of Washington St. and Ave De Lafayette. The site is currently being used as a parking lot across from the Boston Opera House. 





Sun Study
Plan: Equinox - 8am

 Perspective: Equinox- 8am

Plan: Equinox-12pm

Perspective: Equinox- 12pm

Plan: Equinox 4pm

Perspective: Equinox - 4pm

Plan: Summer Solstice 8am
Perspective: Summer Solstice 8am

Plan: Summer Solstice 12pm

Perspective: Summer Solstice 12pm

Plan: Summer Solstice 4pm

Perspective: Summer Solstice 4pm

Plan: Winter Solstice 8am

Perspective: Winter Solstice 8am

Plan: Winter Solstice 12pm

Perspective: Winter Solstice 12pm

Plan: Winter Solstice 3pm

Perspective: Winter Solstice 3pm

Subway Lines

Theatre Locations

Building Heights

Pedestrian Circulation

Site Sections

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