Monday, November 1, 2010

Thesis Statement: Revisited

Architecture, Theatre and the Willing Suspension of Disbelief

What is Theatre? Theatre is an event in which a performance takes place. This performance creates an inward nature of human interest or appearance of truth satisfactory enough to acquire a willingness from the audience to assimilate to a false reality. Conventional theatre relies on the coordinated aspect of the stage in order to separate the performer from the audience. This separation is a tool designed to aid the understanding of the satisfactory truth through translation of dramatic expression. However, modern theatre attempts to remove this intentional separation by engaging the audience directly with the performers and with the performance itself. This reconnection creates unexpected but intentional events to occur that enhance the suspension of reality. The intention of this thesis is to incorporate the ideas of theatre into the design of architecture whose own satisfactory truth creates a willing suspension of disbelief. 

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